Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dr. Vandana Shiva

We watched a movie yesterday titled “Another World Is Possible.” The movie was about the World Social Forum, which takes place annually in Brazil, usually at the same time as the World Economic Forum. I’m not sure which year the movie was from. There was one woman who was speaking about agriculture that caught my attention so I googled her. Dr. Vandana Shiva has started many programs circulating around the issue of food security and sustainability. If you go to her site you can sign up to receive the newsletter, but the actual site seems to be having some trouble. Boo. Instead you can go to the website of the India-based NGO, Navdanya. Dr. Shiva is one of its founders. The organization works to secure the rights of Indian farmers to their seeds and land, as well as the ability to keep their produce organic. It also works to keep GMOs out of the market places and out of the seeds the farmers are working so hard to save. I think she looks pretty cool. I am going to read more on one of her other projects, Diverse Women for Diversity.

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